Project by
More than Equal

A page on the internet to display a month+ long project of #36daysoftype by More Than Equal

———————————— A ————————————
———————————— B ————————————
———————————— C ————————————
———————————— D ————————————
———————————— E ————————————
———————————— F ————————————
———————————— G ————————————
———————————— H ————————————
———————————— I ————————————
———————————— J ————————————
———————————— K ————————————
———————————— L ————————————
———————————— M ————————————
———————————— N ————————————
———————————— O ————————————
———————————— P ————————————
———————————— Q ————————————
———————————— R ————————————
———————————— S ————————————
———————————— T ————————————
———————————— U ————————————
———————————— V ————————————
———————————— W ————————————
———————————— X ————————————
———————————— Y ————————————
———————————— Z ————————————
———————————— 0 ————————————
———————————— 1 ————————————
———————————— 2 ————————————
———————————— 3 ————————————
———————————— 4 ————————————
———————————— 5 ————————————
———————————— 6 ————————————
———————————— 7 ————————————
———————————— 8 ————————————
———————————— 9 ————————————
Scroll down
video footage from —

Hover / Press me
Scroll down
Dawn Wall image from André Cook
Diamond image from Dids
Dawn Wall on
Diamond on
Go Left
Go Right
Tap / Click me to make the F fall
Photo from Qihong
Scroll down
Scroll down

Animation breaker section

Scroll down

Animation breaker section

Scroll down
Scroll down
Hover over the N
Hover over the big O
Tap / Click the P/p to change it's case
Scroll down
Scroll down
Scroll down
Scroll down

Animation breaker section

Scroll down
Scroll down
Turn on
the wind
Turn off
the wind

Animation breaker section

Scroll down

Animation breaker section

Scroll down
Scroll down
Scroll down
Scroll down
Scroll down
Scroll down
Scroll down
Scroll down
Scroll down
Scroll down
Scroll down

A page on the internet to display a month+ long project of #36daysoftype by More Than Equal